My name is Philipp C. Heckel and I write about nerdy things.

Yearly Archives / 2020

  • Dec 17 / 2020
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Snippet 0x0F: Recursive search/replace tool “re”

Two and a half years ago, I wrote my first Go program. I wanted to learn another language, and Go looked like a ton of fun: straight forward, easy to learn, and a static binary with no runtime shenanigans. I picked a project and I started hacking. Looking back, the code I wrote is a little cringy, but not terrible. I’d surely do things differently these days, now that I have more Go experience. But we all start somewhere.

However, the tool that I wrote, a recursive search/replace tool which I intelligently dubbed re, is actually incredibly useful: to my own surprise, I use it every day. I haven’t made a single modification to it in all that time (until today for this post). And since I’m in the sharing mood today, I thought I’d share it with the millions of people (cough) that come here every day. Ha!

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  • Dec 13 / 2020
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Go: Calculating public key hashes for public key pinning in curl

Something occurred to me the other day. This is my blog, and that means I can write about whatever I want. Now you may think that’s totally obvious, but it’s not. For the longest time I wouldn’t blog about anything that I didn’t deem blog-worthy. Small things, like “this is a cool function I found” or “I learned this thing today”, were not blog-worthy in my mind for some reason.

Well today I am changing that. I like writing, but not necessarily so much that I always want to write a super long post. Sometimes, things should be short. Like this one.

So in this super short post I’m gonna show you a cool thing I figured out: How to calculate the the value that curls --pinnedpubkey option needs in Go.

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  • Oct 08 / 2020
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Reliably rebooting Ubuntu using watchdogs

Rebooting Ubuntu is hard. I don’t really know why, but in my twelve years as an Ubuntu user, I’ve encountered countless “stuck at reboot” scenarios. Somehow, typing reboot always comes with that extra special feeling of uncertainty and the thrill of danger — Will it come back? Where will it get stuck this time? If it’s your home computer or your laptop, that’s fine, because you can always manually hard reset. If it’s a remote computer to which you have IPMI access, it’s a little bit annoying, but not tragic. But if you’re attempting to reboot tens of thousands of devices across the globe, that level of uncertainty is nothing short of terrifying.

I know I’m being unfair, because more often than not, rebooting Ubuntu actually completes successfully. However, my incredibly unscientific estimate of how often things get stuck forever on shutdown or reboot is this: 1-3%. That’s how often I believe reboots hang. That’s shockingly high, right? Well, I pulled that out of my hat, but that estimate is based on many hundred thousands of reboots I’ve witnessed in our fleet of backup devices. That number is not too terrible when you deal with a handful of machines that you rarely ever reboot. It is, however, incredibly terrible if you reboot tens of thousands of devices running Ubuntu every two weeks as part of an upgrade process (I wrote about our image based upgrade mechanism in another post).

This post describes the short story of how we managed to make Ubuntu machines reliably reboot.

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