My name is Philipp C. Heckel and I write about nerdy things.

Server Virtualization with VMware Infrastructure (vSphere)

Distributed Systems, Virtualization

Server Virtualization with VMware Infrastructure (vSphere)


Download as PDF: This article is a slightly shortened version of my seminar paper. Feel free to download the original PDF version, or the presentation slides.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, virtualization is a very powerful technology but is often misunderstood and overestimated. Even though it can save costs, it requires very intensive preparations and planning to realize possible savings in the long run. On the one hand, the technology is a driving force for service providers and most of them would not survive without it. On the other hand, taking a look in the near past shows how much room for improvement and potential virtualization still has. Missing standards and compatibility issues are only some of them. Most vendors have made considerable steps in the last years and as long as the market asks for new solutions, they will continue to be inventive. So far, market leader VMware clearly is the winner of this competition, but with powerful competitors like Microsoft and Citrix it will be interesting to see who will win the race.

Pages:<12 ... 45

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