My name is Philipp C. Heckel and I write about nerdy things.

Monthly Archives / October 2008

  • Oct 25 / 2008
  • 3
Linux, Synchronization

Unison & multiple hosts: “Warning: inconsistent state.”

As some of you might know, Unison is this great tool that allows bidirectional synchronisation of two hosts, – no matter which operating system they’re running… Well, at least the well known ones are supported.

Since Unison can also be used to sychronise more than two hosts, it’s perfect for big amounts of data that has to be shared in a team.

A scenario like this is possible and works for me: UserA <-> Server <-> UserB.
But of course, also other users could sync with the server. Unison rocks!

Today, after reinstalling his OS, my friend got the following error message:

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