* Use a PHP script to perform a login to the Roundcube mail system.
* WARNING: This version of the script is outdated. Check the blog post
* below for an updated version!!
* Version 1 (November 2008)
* - A Roundcube installation (tested with 0.2-beta, 0.3.x, 0.4-beta)
* - Set the "check_ip"/"ip_check" in the config/main.inc.php file to FALSE
* Why? The server will perform the login, not the client (= two different IP addresses)
* - Install RC on your server so that it can be accessed via the browser,
* e.g. at www.example.com/roundcube/
* - Download this script and remove all spaces and new lines
* before "<?php" and after "?>"
* - Include the class in your very own script and use it.
* The class provides four public methods:
* - login($username, $password)
* Perform a login to the Roundcube mail system.
* Note: If the client is already logged in, the script will re-login the user (logout/login).
* To prevent this behaviour, use the isLoggedIn()-function.
* Returns: TRUE if the login suceeds, FALSE if the user/pass-combination is wrong
* Throws: May throw a RoundcubeLoginException if Roundcube sends an unexpected answer
* (that might happen if a new Roundcube version behaves different).
* - isLoggedIn()
* Checks whether the client/browser is logged in and has a valid Roundcube session.
* Returns: TRUE if the user is logged in, FALSE otherwise.
* Throws: May also throw a RoundcubeLoginException (see above).
* - logout()
* Performs a logout on the current Roundcube session.
* Returns: TRUE if the logout was a success, FALSE otherwise.
* Throws: May also throw a RoundcubeLoginException (see above).
* - redirect()
* Simply redirects to Roundcube.
* <?php
* include "RoundcubeLogin.class.php";
* // Create login object and enable debugging
* $rcl = new RoundcubeLogin("/roundcube/", true);
* try {
* // If we are already logged in, simply redirect
* if ($rcl->isLoggedIn())
* $rcl->redirect();
* // If not, try to login and simply redirect on success
* $rcl->login("your-email-address", "plain-text-password");
* if ($rcl->isLoggedIn())
* $rcl->redirect();
* // If the login fails, display an error message
* die("ERROR: Login failed due to a wrong user/pass combination.");
* }
* catch (RoundcubeLoginException $ex) {
* echo "ERROR: Technical problem, ".$ex->getMessage();
* $rcl->dumpDebugStack(); exit;
* }
* ?>
* - Make sure to remove all spaces before "<?php" and after "?>"
* - Enable the debug mode (set the second constructor parameter to TRUE)
* - Ask me if you have any problems :-)
* - Written by Philipp Heckel; Find a corresponding blog-post at
* http://blog.philippheckel.com/2008/05/16/roundcube-login-via-php-script/
* - Updated Nov/08, tested with Ubuntu/Firefox 3
* No license. Feel free to use it :-)
* - The script works with Roundcube 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4-beta (as of May 2010)
class RoundcubeLogin {
* Relative path to the Roundcube base directory on the server.
* Can be set via the first argument in the constructor.
* If the URL is www.example.com/roundcube/, set it to "/roundcube/".
* @var string
private $rcPath;
* Roundcube session ID
* RC sends its session ID in the answer. If the first attempt doesn't
* work, the login-function retries it with the session ID. This does
* work most of the times.
* @var string
private $rcSessionID;
* Save the current status of the Roundcube session.
* 0 = unkown, 1 = logged in, -1 = not logged in.
* @var int
private $rcLoginStatus;
* Debugging can be enabled by setting the second argument
* in the constructor to TRUE.
* @var bool
private $debugEnabled;
* Keep debug messages on a stack. To dump it, call
* the dumpDebugStack()-function.
* @var array
private $debugStack;
* Create a new RoundcubeLogin class.
* @param string Relative webserver path to the RC installation, e.g. /roundcube/
* @param bool Enable debugging, - shows the full POST and the response
public function __construct($webmailPath, $enableDebug = false) {
$this->debugStack = array();
$this->debugEnabled = $enableDebug;
$this->rcPath = $webmailPath;
$this->rcSessionID = false;
$this->rcLoginStatus = 0;
* Login to Roundcube using the IMAP username/password
* Note: If the function detects that we're already logged in,
* it performs a re-login, i.e. a logout/login-combination to ensure
* that the specified user is logged in.
* If you don't want this, use the isLoggedIn()-function and redirect
* the RC without calling login().
* @param string IMAP username
* @param string IMAP password (plain text)
* @return boolean Returns TRUE if the login was successful, FALSE otherwise
* @throws RoundcubeLoginException
public function login($username,$password) {
// If already logged in, perform a re-login (logout first)
if ($this->isLoggedIn())
// Try login
$data = "_action=login&_user=".urlencode($username)."&_pass=".urlencode($password);
$response = $this->sendRequest($this->rcPath, $data);
// Login successful! A redirection to ./?_task=... is a success!
if (preg_match('/^Location\:.+_task=/mi',$response)) {
$this->addDebug("LOGIN SUCCESSFUL","RC sent a redirection to ./?_task=..., that means we did it!");
$this->rcLoginStatus = 1;
// Login failure detected! If the login failed, RC sends the cookie "sessauth=-del-"
else if (preg_match('/^Set-Cookie:.+sessauth=-del-;/mi',$response)) {
$this->addDebug("LOGIN FAILED","RC sent 'sessauth=-del-'; User/Pass combination wrong.");
$this->rcLoginStatus = -1;
// Unkown, neither failure nor success.
// This maybe the case if no session ID was sent
else {
$this->addDebug("LOGIN STATUS UNKNOWN","Neither failure nor success. This maybe the case if no session ID was sent");
throw new RoundcubeLoginException("Unable to determine login-status due to technical problems.");
return $this->isLoggedIn();
* Returns whether there is an active Roundcube session.
* @return bool Return TRUE if a user is logged in, FALSE otherwise
* @throws RoundcubeLoginException
public function isLoggedIn() {
if (!$this->rcLoginStatus)
throw new RoundcubeLoginException("Unable to determine login-status due to technical problems.");
return ($this->rcLoginStatus > 0) ? true : false;
* Logout from Roundcube
* @return bool Returns TRUE if the login was successful, FALSE otherwise
public function logout() {
$data = "_action=logout&_task=logout";
$this->sendRequest($this->rcPath, $data);
return !$this->isLoggedIn();
* Simply redirect to the Roundcube application.
public function redirect() {
header("Location: {$this->rcPath}");
* Gets the current login status and the session cookie.
* It updates the private variables rcSessionID and rcLoginStatus by
* sending a request to the main page and parsing the result for the login form.
private function updateLoginStatus($forceUpdate = false) {
if ($this->rcSessionID && $this->rcLoginStatus && !$forceUpdate)
// Get current session ID cookie
if ($_COOKIE['roundcube_sessid'])
$this->rcSessionID = $_COOKIE['roundcube_sessid'];
// Send request and maybe receive new session ID
$response = $this->sendRequest($this->rcPath);
// Login form available?
if (preg_match('/<input.+name="_pass"/mi',$response)) {
$this->addDebug("NOT LOGGED IN", "Detected that we're NOT logged in.");
$this->rcLoginStatus = -1;
else if (preg_match('/<div.+id="message"/mi',$response)) {
$this->addDebug("LOGGED IN", "Detected that we're logged in.");
$this->rcLoginStatus = 1;
else {
$this->addDebug("UNKNOWN LOGIN STATE", "Unable to determine the login status. Did you change the RC version?");
throw new RoundcubeLoginException("Unable to determine the login status. Unable to continue due to technical problems.");
// If no session ID is available now, throw an exception
if (!$this->rcSessionID) {
$this->addDebug("NO SESSION ID", "No session ID received. RC version changed?");
throw new RoundcubeLoginException("No session ID received. Unable to continue due to technical problems.");
* Send a POST/GET request to the Roundcube login-script
* to simulate the login.
* If the second parameter $postData is set, the function will
* use the POST method, otherwise a GET will be sent.
* Ensures that all cookies are sent and parses all response headers
* for a new Roundcube session ID. If a new SID is found, rcSessionId is set.
* @param string Optional POST data in urlencoded form (param1=value1&...)
* @return string Returns the complete request response with all headers.
private function sendRequest($path, $postData = false) {
$method = (!$postData) ? "GET" : "POST";
$port = ($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 443 : 80;
$host = ($port == 443) ? "ssl://localhost" : "localhost";
// Load cookies and save them in a key/value array
$cookies = array();
foreach ($_COOKIE as $name=>$value)
$cookies[] = "$name=$value";
// Add roundcube session ID if available
if (!$_COOKIE['roundcube_sessid'] && $this->rcSessionID)
$cookies[] = "roundcube_sessid={$this->rcSessionID}";
$cookies = ($cookies) ? "Cookie: ".join("; ",$cookies)."\r\n" : "";
// Create POST request with the given data
if ($method == "POST") {
$request =
"POST ".$path." HTTP/1.1\r\n"
. "Host: ".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."\r\n"
. "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"
. "Content-Length: ". strlen($postData) ."\r\n"
. $cookies
. "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"
. $postData;
// Make GET
else {
$request =
"GET ".$path." HTTP/1.1\r\n"
. "Host: ".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."\r\n"
. $cookies
. "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
// Send request
$fp = fsockopen($host, $port);
// Request
$this->addDebug("REQUEST", $request);
fputs($fp, $request);
// Read response and set received cookies
$response = "";
while (!feof($fp)) {
$line = fgets($fp, 4096);
// Not found
if (preg_match('/^HTTP\/1\.\d\s+404\s+/',$line))
throw new RoundcubeLoginException("No Roundcube installation found at '$path'");
// Got session ID!
if (preg_match('/^Set-Cookie:.+roundcube_sessid=([^;]+);/i',$line,$match)) {
$this->addDebug("GOT SESSION ID", "New session ID: '$match[1]'.");
$this->rcSessionID = $match[1];
$response .= $line;
$this->addDebug("RESPONSE", $response);
return $response;
* Print a debug message if debugging is enabled.
* @param string Short action message
* @param string Output data
private function addDebug($action, $data) {
if (!$this->debugEnabled)
return false;
$this->debugStack[] = sprintf(
"<b>%s:</b><br /><pre>%s</pre>",
$action, htmlspecialchars($data)
* Dump the debug stack
public function dumpDebugStack() {
print "<p>".join("\n", $this->debugStack)."</p>";
* This Roundcube login exception will be thrown if the two
* login attempts fail.
class RoundcubeLoginException extends Exception { }